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[/vc_column_text][wpc_custom_heading heading=”House Addon Builders and Contractors” colored_line=”yes”][vc_column_text]A housing expansion is one of the most economical and beneficial ways of getting more living space in your residence. The process of selling and moving to a new house one can be very troublesome, expensive and time-consuming.

The smart homeowners opt for room add-ons and expansions to add both value and space to their property. This residential expansion building guide will take you through the pros and cons of building and lengthening your dwelling and address the aspects that you should consider. It will lay out a general process that you can follow when planning to go for housing expansions.

Executing on a renovation project or moving forward with reconstruction such as water damage restoration is a major step, and needs to be thoroughly thought out.

You should be clear about your specifications and expectations. Consider what you’re going for in your initial design and the overall goal you’re looking to achieve from this.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_cta h2=”Talk to Us Today” txt_align=”center” style=”flat” color=”juicy-pink”][/vc_cta][contact-form-7 id=”1353″][vc_btn title=”CALL: (760) 641-2192″ style=”classic” color=”danger” link=”url:tel%3A%2F%2F760-641-2192|title:CALL%3A%20(760)%20641-2192||”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

How Can This Save Me Money?

Although the idea of selling, upgrading or purchasing a new house seems like the perfect way to finally own your dream residence, you have to consider the hidden expenses that you might need to take into account and the effect it can take on your budget. Some of these expenses are as follows:

  1. Commission of Real Estate Agents – Selling your old nest and finding a new house will require you to utilize services of real estate agents. There will be charges for advertising your old property and showing you through new places as well as the commission on the sale of your old house.
  2. Movers and Packers – Moving to a new dwelling means moving all your belongings and furniture from your old house to the new one. This may cost you hundreds of dollars and is something that people don’t always budget for.
  3. Miscellaneous Costs – There are several monthly services and utilities such as housing alarm monitoring, telephone, internet, gas and electric that you might be subscribed to and canceling or transferring them will come with additional charges.


Ideas and Designs

The ‘look and feel’ of your dwelling should be given consideration when you are planning a major renovation project. You should note any exquisite features, architecture, and designs that are prominent in your household and prepare a blueprint for the remodeling accordingly. Take into consideration the roof structure and the materials that are used in building your structure and try to implement similar structures as well as using the same complimentary materials. If you plan on adding rooms or bathrooms, try to match the new doors, tiles, window frames and latches with the existing ones for continuity.

It is also important to plan whether you just want to extend the space on the ground floor or you plan to add a second story to the house as well. Second-floor construction is quite complicated and will require you to understand the structure of house thoroughly. Ponder over the remodeling ideas and property widening options that you have and on what scale you plan to implement these.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


Rather than rushing into getting quotes from construction and development builders, it’s better to give your contractor some time to make the in-depth building plans, options, and details so that you can receive an accurate proposal. It can be frustrating for both parties if the builder doesn’t have a clear vision of what you’re trying to accomplish.

Invest your time in working with the builder on the design layout and draft out a plan for it. Part of the process will be obtaining a building permit so that builders will take your task seriously and can start with it as soon as they can. This should also help you save on some project expenses as the builders will offer you competitive prices to land your project.


Consider an Architect

Once you have planned in your mind how you want your house renovation and construction to be, you should make no delay in visiting and architect and get a detailed design and then get a permit for it from your local council. Many times, your builder will have or use a reputable local architect. Prepare the specifications in detail so that you builder can easily understand what you want.

Hiring an architect means you can get the best ideas and suggestions on how to perfectly use the space and what can be done or cannot be done in the house as per your plan. If you wish, you can pay your architect or builder to work as the project manager to ensure that your housing renovation turns as envisioned.



Before you start your renovation process, get a building permit from your local council. You should always meet the local regulations and standards. Talk, discuss and notify your neighbors about the nature of your building renovation plans. Tell them about your plans and clear any doubts that they might have about your remodeling early.

Rather than letting your neighbors have any misunderstandings about building plans, you should talk to them and let them know about your project. They might even offer you valuable suggestions and ideas that you can use in the remodeling plans. Working with the cooperation of your neighbors will be a great start since any complaint from them can delay your building permit and this, in turn, can cost you a time and or money.

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Things to Consider Beforehand

Some other questions you should think over are:

Do the neighborhood, neighbors, schools, markets and other amenities in your locality good for your family and do you wish to continue living in your current residence and neighborhood long term?
Are you considering any other property enhancements to add value to your property to sell soon in future?

How are you going to finance and distribute costs? What’s your budget? Do you have a backup if the costs exceed your budget?

Is there any important life events (marriage, babies, etc.) coming up that might get affected by the building and expansion?

Where will your family live while the renovation and add-ons are in process? If in the house, itself, how do you plan to manage living quality?

Do you have excess bush, shrub or tree overgrowth? We recently worked with a visiting tree removal Frankfort IL professional who was vacationing in the desert. He mentioned access is always a huge part of why projects get delayed. Always have clear and easy pathways to your home access points.


Room Addition Types

Backroom- Backrooms can serve as a house sunroom or a dining space. Usually constructed over the porch space, the backroom has a lot of natural light and is a perfect cozy gateway between your building and garden.

Retreats- Retreats best serve the purpose of a recreational room or a granny flat which is built separately from the house. A garage extension with some proper plumbing and wiring can give you the desired retreat. Remember, you can also consider 2 story garage plans.

Second Story – Sometimes adding a second story to your house is better than ground floor development and can come with numerous benefits like – your backyard space can be retained, unnecessary excavation can be avoided and your existing house layout disruption will be minimized. The second story can have different design and materials if you choose. They add much more value to your property and are perfect for a growing family making it a great investment idea.

Second Bathroom- A lot of household traffic comes and goes through the bathroom, therefore adding a bathroom is a perfect way to alleviate traffic congestions and add value to your property. To add another bathroom, either existing rooms can undergo renovation, or a new addition and modifications can to the house.

To learn more about room additions and home extension ideas including pictures of example remodels, click here.


Additional Tips for Home Extension

Research how much increasing square footage on your property costs and the estimated ROI you can obtain on your property if you were to sell. Do not let the financial expenses of the house renovation project be a burden to you or your family.

Make sure to have a backup plan and enough funds for any adverse situations that you might have to face.

Make sure to budget hidden expenses like planning permits, building materials and contractor fees.

Have a separate budget for the furnishing and decoration of your extended house after completion.
Make sure that you check all the work that is being done from time to time and only release the payment if you are satisfied.


Hiring the Right Builder

Construction planning of expansions and add-ons are big projects and big investments. Find a builder who holds experience in the type of project that you are going for such as JCD Construction.

Keep the plans and permit with you when you go to meet the builder. This will let the builder know what is it that you are looking for and they will be able to provide you with a more accurate estimate regarding expenses. Thus, allowing you to compare proposals by each builder so you can choose the one that best suits you.

When choosing a builder, makes sure to ask them whether they have any experience in completing the type of housing remodeling projects that resemble yours.

Check whether they have worked with the building materials that you want to use for your project to see if they can do the best with what is at their disposal.

Check for testimonials, and you can also check the customer reviews to get a feel for the contractor or construction company’s reputation. Another important thing is to check their builder license and insurance details before you decide on hiring him.

After you find the right builder, write and plan a detailed building contract with them. This contract should have in detail what is the work they are being entrusted with and all the information about what they are undertaking.

It should also include the details about payment cycle, the pre-determined date of project completion, time table which you want the builder to work on and any other clauses that you want to introduce.
